Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday: 1 Sara: 0...

We know how we feel about Mondays.  And today, it was one of those Mondays.

*It was a good thing I napped Sunday afternoon, because after learning that I would be serving the 7-3 shift at Shenanigan's Monday morning, I promptly went to bed at midnight. I fell asleep at 12:15, which is a miracle these days. Then right on queue at 1:30, mother nature welcomed the week with one big loud bang of thunder that was then accompanied with two to four inches of rain. So yes, I worked eight and a half hours on three hours of sleep. #loosing. 

* UL beat bye week. 

* In case you're wondering, I successfully completed the Outrunning Autism 5K this past weekend. In the rain if I might add. The last time I did a 5K it took me 120 minutes. (It's a sensitive subject. I'd rather not talk about it...) This time around? 35:55. Yes, that is semi good since I haven't run since August. Next up: Susan G. Komen 

* NERD ALERT: Apple has scheduled a very anticipated press conference that will take place at their home campus in California. We all know what that means... Sara's phone can now start taking the plunge into the cell phone hall of fame. 

* I experienced Panera not once, not twice but three times last week. I may or may not have an addiction. 

* The long awaited season premiere of Grey's Anatomy was, eh. I'm hoping that I was just super distracted and not in the right frame of mind, but it was not up to my standards. Good thing I have it on DVR.  

*Massive cravings for holiday dinners. 


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