Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guess Who's Back...

I'm back!!!! And I'm back for good!! And I'm pumped. And with the holidays coming up, expect some blogs to come. "You can not possibly compare yourself to surgical interns. It took you five hours to write two sentences." Maybe that should be the slogan for the procrastination poster that I will be posing in. When I had to leave the wonderful world of blogs, I entered the slowly killing trees one tree at a time world. Three, how many more days till Thanksgiving break papers later, I have successfully returned to the place where I belong. And boy does it feel good to be back. Because there were some times where I was tired of writing in MLA format and wanted to write the way I write and not write about boring classic literature books.
     A little background on these papers. (I promise I won't bore you). Paper one was our weekly paper that we are assigned every week on the book we are currently reading. The selection? The number one New York Times Best Seller list chart topper Don Quixote. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll be bored. Because I was. I was able to whip paper one out in 2 hours. One paper down, two to go. Just how long could I put off the dreaded " Which Book Is Faster To Learn A Moral? Aesop's Fables or Everyman?" I'll save you the time and effort of reading the books to find out for yourself. Spoiler Alert: Aesop's Fables. You wanna know why Aesop's Fables are faster? "Looking through some of Aesop’s fables and seeing how short they were, I came across fable 147, “The Dancing Camel and after a letter count, I counted a total of 97 letters.  Putting Aesop’s “The Dancing Camel” in social media terms, this fable has fewer characters than a regular tweet from Twitter, which has a count of 140 letters or less." Yep. I win. I mentioned twitter in my final essay. I'd like to see Topanga's face when she reads this essay.  When I have papers like this, I like to have a plan in mind. Do I stick them? Not exactly. I talk a good story, and then it never happens.  After coming home from the horribly called UL-USF overtime had the refs been better, we would have been going shopping for a bowl game,  I decided that I would write from 7pm to 11:35 pm. Bahahahahaha. Two sentences down, a tons more to go. I had set my alarm for  8:00 the following morning to get this paper out of my life. Two hours later, I was not allowed to go anywhere until I finished this paper. Let's just say it's finished and turned in. And I don't have to look at it until November 30th. Two papers completed. And one more to go. 
     I had categorized the three papers into categories. Paper one was strep throat, Paper two was heart surgery, and paper three was a walk in the park. Well I thought the last one was a walk in the park. For my final paper, we were to write a features story. Any topic of our choosing. Having to interview three sources, and not wanting to track people down, I did a story on the record enrollment on my higher education. Once again, it's turned in. Finished. 
     Do I have plans for my Thankgiving/Sorry We Care About Your Education And There For You Don't Get A Fall Break Break?? Heck yes I do have plans. Sleep. Working the best day of the entire calendar work year/day before Thanksgiving Shenanigans. And grubbing on turkey skin. 


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