Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bored As A Gourd...

Prologue: There are very few instances that I have complained about something on here. And today's posting is going to have to be one of them. Sorry if I sound like a negative Nancy, but as you read, you'll begin to understand. Allow me to tell a few back stories.

Early on in life, I was taught not to judge right then and there. For instance. I remember what my fifth grade english teacher was wearing. Heck, I even remember how she had her hair styled. I introduced myself, and my family, seeing it was meet the teachers night, she asked what I liked to do. I don't remember what the trends were back at the turn of the century, but all I can remember thinking, this is going to be a long school year. I don't like her. She looks mean and uninviting. Fast forward a few weeks later, we found ourselves talking about the NBC Primetime hit Will And Grace. I knew if I gave her a few weeks to warm up, all would be right with the world. And to this day, I consider her one of my favorite teachers of my before college education. As a matter of fact, she found me on the 'book, and occasionally posts on each others wall or statuses.

Fall 2012: I was faced with the same problem again. Maybe my history professor had a bad day, and wasn't in the right mood to teach. Okay, it's only the second week of school. I'll try again Wednesday. I went back the following class with a better frame of mind. One of my peers asked where he went to high school. He didn't want to answer that. Okay, I can see that. Maybe he doesn't want us looking him up in  a yearbook or something. We then asked the next logical question. Where did you go to undergrad. His snarky reply? "I'm not from here." Most people don't mind answering that type of question. After putting his non-power point presentations on the board and requires an @edu email address, I have discovered he graduated from Florida International University. After his response, I gave up. I had given it time, in hopes of trying to like him as a teacher, seeing as the last two times I had immediately judged and saw that they were incredibly wonderful people.

On the first day of real class, one of my peers asked if he would put up his lectures on the in class website. His immediate answer was no, and then went into some un needed explanation. Please note, I'm not complaining, I have to give back stories.

I'm not going to lie, Sara and school don't exactly go together. I have a very short attention span hence the first grade diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. My mind has a tendency to wander, and sometimes  on a daily basis, I find myself thinking about other things than paying attention to school. If I am asked to do tasks at the casa de Sara, theres a 85 percent chance it will not be accomplished. #oops

React however you want to this next part. I have mentioned in other blogs that during the Winter, I have to get up five minutes early just to put on extra layers in the extreme cold. Growing up during my elementary and middle school years, I would have to get up early just to have time to get my socks right and smooth. Bizarre. I know.

Apparently I have something called SID. Sensory Integration Disorder. And yes, to this day it still affects me. According to the medical-dictionary online, one of the biggest contributors to SID is AD/HD. Good God I'm special. I'm going to do the best I can to describe it in my terms, but some of the things that had bothered me I am now over. (Warning: Some of these are plain ridiculous.) As I mentioned before my socks had to be smooth, I wouldn't let people sit on the same couch as me, and when it came to the school part, if people put their feet on the back of my chair, I could feel the pressure of their feet. Those I am 98.9 percent over.

There is one more problem area that I will probably never get over. I have been told by opthamologists that I have wonderful peripheral vision. Well that's great and all. Aside from the fact that I can see tapping of the feet. It might be my biggest crawl out of my skin peeve. Which FINALLY brings me to the whole blog in the first place.

Today, I got to experience an ADD'ers worst nightmare. It had already been a long day after falling asleep at 1:45 followed by a night of Thunder, the periodic downpours and lighting. Seeing it was a school day, the alarm had been set for 6:30 AM. Scratch that. I think what I meant to say was 5:45 AM.  Wait. Hadn't I fallen asleep just a mere four hours earlier?!? Someone must had heard that I hate driving to school in rain, drove to school in between storms. I sat through my eight AM business writing class with no problem, as I was still in my prime attention span.
     Promptly at 9:30 AM, I was doomed. I was recently assigned my first history paper. And of course, my professor thought he would spend 60 minutes out of a 75 minute class talking about how to properly write a history paper. And in between there, add in some unneeded peanut gallery comments, unrealistic coughing and awkward silence. And then... with my excellent peripheral vision, I spotted not one, but two people, with two feet each tapping. By minute 15 of the speech, I decided to start answering questions to keep myself entertained. Even my professor noticed and made the comment, "Sara is bored as a gourd." You bet I was. My mind had gone AWOL, and with my laptop sitting on my lap, it took me everything I had to not get it out and do some live blogging. If I could't live blog, I started thinking about the next best thing: lunch. Should I get a half and half? Half sweet tea, half lemonade? I really can't wait for the birthday celebrations at the market tomorrow. I finally snapped back into the class when I noticed my professor had made a citing a source mistake. I can't tell you how many times I had heard this speech. After that comment, I then heard the person behind me with hiccups. An AD/HD SID girl stuck in a small room, no windows, with four feet tapping, a person hiccuping, and my professor talking/wandering around the room.

Living with AD/HD and SID I learn from my mistakes that come with it. I know there are some days that mother wants to beat bumps on my head, but these are the things that make me special, and it gives me the excuse to make the daily trip to the wonderful world of LaLa Land.


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