Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Speidi: The Next Brett Favre...

When "The Hills" saga started, I told myself I wasn't going to partake in the so called Teenage soap operas. It was filled with drama, and I didn't do drama. After hearing some big hoopla over this show called "The Hills" I would at least watch the first episode. After that I swore to myself I would never watch it again. Until I saw the story line of Speidi form. For those who are unaware of the plastic surgery addict (Heidi Montag) and Tom Hanks Castaway lookalike (Spencer Pratt) couple, let me give you a quick rundown of how these two media hogging couple came about. January 2007: Girl meets boy. Girl and boy start dating. February 2007- January 2008. Speidi continues to date while hogging the camera's and charging $20,000 for a thirty minute club appearance.  February 4, 2008. Speidi comes out a with a no words to describe how horrible, shot on a beach, probably in one take with a video camera, music video for her single "Higher". March 2008- November 2008. Continue camera hogging. November 20, 2008 and ten too many tequila shots later, Heidi and Spencer become Mr. And Mrs. Pratt during a trip to Mexico. Surprise, surprise, they want more camera hogging. After returning to Los Angeles, it was discovered that this so called "marriage" was not recognized in the states. Back to more dating and more overcharging club appearances. But not for long. After the fiasco of the Margarita Monday wedding, it would be decided that on April 20,2009, they would call two hundred of their closest, so called but really needing to fill the church pews to make it look like they had friends, friends to officially make them Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Pratt.
     This is where I would give you a timeline of their divorce drama, but as of today I was looking to see if any divorce paper updates had been revealed, and according to an inside source, this "divorce" seems to be another act of "well shoot. The Hills" cameras have now left us; what do we do now?" FAKE divorce.  It seems as if one day they are disputing over dog custody(and no, I'm not kidding) and the next day they are in marriage counseling.
     For the first year of marriage you are supposed to give your spouse something paper. And thats exactly what Heidi did. What kind of papers you ask? Divorce papers. So much for saving the top layer of their wedding cake figuring they wouldn't be reenacting that joyous moment a year later.
     Like I said in the beginning, I promised myself I would only watch the pilot episode to see what "The Hills" was all about. And after watching all 102 episodes of "The Hills" I finally figured it out. The show was never about Lauren Conrad and her Hollywood Glamour Life. It was, in large part, about I'm too famous for eHarmony and, so let's find, date, breakup, drunk marry, marry again my soon to be ex-husband on a reality t.v show aimed towards 16-20 year old girls.


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