Friday, August 27, 2010

Doughnuts And Directions...

The thoughts of going to bed early started to cross my mind along the hour of ten o'clock Monday night, but I was determined to end summer 2010 with a bang by watching only the classiest of them all TV shows; "The Real Housewives Of New Jersey" season finale. Yep. That's right. The last image of Summer 2010 I have is Danielle saying goodbye to her so called "bodyguards." I was hoping that I would wake up the next day waking up from a horrible nightmare and still have it be summer. Hey, I like to dream big. 
     Unfortunately,that nightmare became a reality and promptly seven fifteen the next morning, my alarm went off and faced the day that would bring syllabuses and the dreaded starts with Home and ends with work word. Donned in my dark J-Crew appropriate length kaki shorts, the ever so classic grey shirt, and in case it might be cold in the classrooms, but I ended up wearing it the whole day because it was just so cute North Face sweatshirt, I was off to start the 2010-2011 school year. 
     My class started at 9:30, but due to the fact that I had seen the nightmare parking statuses on Facebook the day before, I decided that I would leave the house at eight o'clock. On a good day it takes me at least thirty minutes to get to school and that's with morning rush hour. That way, once I got to school I could find parking, go get my handy dandy planner, grab a coke from the "Doughnuts and Directions" booth, and still have plenty of time to get to class. The traffic and parking gods must have been looking out for me that day. I got to school in a little less than thirty minutes, found a rather good parking spot close to my building, and as an added bonus, I was able to get my planner on the first day of class when I normally have to wait until after Labor day because they have run out.
     I began the trek to my building where I would meet my Topanga look a-like  from "Boy Meets World" Western World Masterpieces Professor. I kid you not. I thought she was another one of my classmates, but once she sat in front of the room, I thought one thing. She looks like Topanga. Being the over prepared student I am, she had emailed us the syllabus the weekend before asking us to print it out before the first meeting of class. As she was talking to us about being late (which I am not) and holding a McDonald's coffee cup in her hand Topanga stated the following, "I'm not gonna lie. I have to drive a hour to get here. I have a seven year old son. We may hit rush hour traffic... so if you're a few minutes late, I won't take points off for tardiness."  Let me take a moment to get on my soap box. I'm still on time and it takes me a good thirty minutes to get there. I still have to fight rush hour traffic just like you do. I still have to find a place to park among the 3,000 other students who don't have prime parking spots like you do. I still have to walk from my car to the classroom. So if I'm paying you good money to teach me, you should be on time. Yeesh. 
    My first class dismissed almost thirty minutes early after the still come to class so "I can teach you but we're only going over the syllabus today class." I have a feeling this class is going to be like watching grass grow. With well over forty five minutes to spare, I made the thirty second trip to my next class which focuses on the ins and outs of journalism. A class just up my alley. Cha ching! Just what I've always wanted. My classroom is a computer lab which has some serious pros and cons. A pro? Checking the ever so important Facebook before class. A con? Being tempted to check Facebook DURING class. As the eleven o'clock hour arrived, so did my professor. I was quickly introduced to maybe the most laid back belongs in a news-room with his sleeves rolled up, his voice is so soothing he could put me to sleep (in a good way) I shall introduce you to my journalism professor James St. Clair. After two classes with him, I have found my life calling. Look for me on WAVE 3 T.V. in five to tenish years. I have always had a passion for Broadcast Journalism after taking a high school class, but this man and his class has confirmed my new life calling.
     The first week of classes has come to a close. I've received the first assignments, the go out and buy your textbooks if you don't have them yet lecture and the already needing to fill up on gas reminder. As the stress has started to pile on, I tell myself 103 Days Till Christmas Break.


1 comment:

  1. so love getting a peak into your school life :) are you going to talk about Paris??
