Saturday, August 7, 2010

Greetings Loved Ones...

I welcome you to the first official posting of a little thing I like to call Sara Spills. Throughout this blog I'll give you an inside look at the latest from Hollywood along with the latest from Louisville. Earlier  in the summer, I was approached by family with the thought I should write my own blog. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, but as the summer has flown by, I thought this would be the perfect time to give it a test run and see how things go. Most of you all know me as a Hollywood enthusiast. As people have told me before, "why do I need to waste my money when I have Sara to catch me up on the latest Hollywood gossip?" When any of the crazy Hollywood Rumors start circulating the rumor mill, I have three sources, that I must check in order for me to confirm them and put them to rest. What are they you ask? When a rumor has begun, I squeal, and then I get down to business. I first check the PEOPLE magazine website to see if the rumor has popped up on the website. I move on to my next handy source; Once I find the rumor, I see what he has to say, and my excitement and squealing level goes up at least ten points. (FYI: When I hear something juicy in Hollywood, I squeal like a fifth grade girl at a Justin Bieber Concert) After getting one step closer to confirming the rumor, I check my final and most trustworthy website. After gathering my sources, it is then time to celebrate my findings.  I'm sure you're asking yourself, "she hasn't said anything about Lindsay Lohan." I'll save that for a future post. I promise I'll be more fun next time. Are you ready to join me on this rollercoaster? Buckle up and join the ride.



  1. Looks great. Can't wait to follow your postings!

  2. Love it! So excited for you girl :) I want more more more! haha!

  3. My favorite part of this is when you say you squeal like a 5th grade girl at a justin beiber true. Can't wait to read more :)
