Last time I updated you on life, UL was looking to become 6-0. Today? For the first time in the schools, and program's history, UL is now 9-0. One of a limited amount of teams gone undefeated. #winning
UK on the other hand? At least you have basketball season. As I typed this, I was informed that the UK football team is now coachless, and per Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart in an open letter to the fans,“After much conversation, evaluation and prayer, I have determined that it is in the best interest of our athletics program to make a change in our football coaching staff at the conclusion of the season." We now have a bigger issue on hand; What do we call our four legged friend?
One of the perks of working in an incredibly fun environment, is having the option to dress up for Halloween. I'm not a fan of Halloween. I don't know why, I've just never been fan. Although, Halloween does mark four days until MY day. A couple weeks ago, I was told that I was to dress up as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. Fine. If everyone else was participating, I was in. The challenge? Coming up with a costume. I went to my first source: Target. I found one. For thirty dollars. I wasn't about to pay thirty dollars for a costume that I would wear seven hours, and then immediately to be shoved in the back of my closet. Aw nuts. No dressing up for me. Plus? I didn't have Ruby Red Slippers. Not so fast Sara. "Sara, I just came from Hobby Lobby, and got the fabric to MAKE your costume." No Mom, you really don't have to. "Sara, it's something that I want to do for you, so just work with me." In a matter of hours on a Saturday night, Mom whipped up an adorable costume with no pattern, no picture, no nothing.
The next challenge? Finding Ruby Red Slippers the Sunday before Halloween. I had set myself up for failure. Finally, after some long talks with the craft making queen and some local calls, I sat down and painted my own Ruby Red Slippers.
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PFM Halloween 2012 |
#SignsImgettingold: I received not one, but TWO letters with two return envelopes asking for money. Do these people not know that I'm still in school and work at a fruit stand? Apparently not.
Looking ahead in my calendar, I didn't realize how close I am to Thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving is going to be ridiculous. Usually I back this up with some explanation, but this year, the table will be extra loud with family coming in from different parts of the country, and then Friday morning, a multi-generational photo with then entire famdamily. When I have nothing else to obsess about, this is what I obsess over. This picture will haunt me for the rest of eternity, and when my chillens see the picture, I don't want them (or I) to think"what on Earth was I doing when I chose that outfit, and hairstyle?"
The new Taylor Swift CD, Red, arrived on my doorstep the day it came out, and it's been in my car ever since. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is. Within hours, I managed to find my favorite songs and pretty much know every word. The best part, she is the kind of artist that puts the lyrics in her CD cover, and she has capitalized a random letter in every word to spell out what the song really meant. For instance, the song Red, spells out "sag" which probably means Screen Actors Guild Awards with ex-boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal, and then the next song, I Knew You Were Trouble, spells out "when you saw me dancing." Scandalous. As the CD goes on, she spells out some stuff for Connor Kennedy, and then are you ready for this? Four days after the release of the album, it is announced that she and Connor took a little trip to Splitsville. Well that's awk. But who cares. She and her tour is headed our way, AGAIN! The Tuesday after Derby. What a glorious month May will be.
Did I mention that Justin Timberlake got married? Yea, I'm obviously still not over it. And of course, the one PEOPLE Magazine issue that I've been waiting for, comes to my mailbox wet and gross because of rain? At least it wasn't the William and Catherine issue. But it ranks up there with that.
I've danced around the pink elephant in the room. Hurricane Sandy. Before heading to bed Sunday night before the storm, I came across the New York Times homepage, saying that they had set up a camera in their building taking pictures every thirty seconds waiting for the storm to come in. I took my computer with me to school, watching it before class, and then kept an eye on it on my phone during class. (Rebel, I know.) And with me not working Mondays, I was able to watch national coverage all afternoon and evening. #nerdalert. It broke my heart seeing all the damage that was done to the East Coast, but it also made me a little teary eye to see Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey get behind the podium and tell his residents, that they will come together and rebuild. #ProudtobeanAmerican