"That's it. Thats the cut I want." If you know me, I'm a plain and simple kind of gal when it comes to my hair. Mom has always said that I look so young because I'm always wearing my hair in a ponytail. Whatever. I'll take the constant asking of "oh, and what high school do you go to?" question any day instead of being hot, and my hair in the way. Plus, when my hair has been straightened, and back in a ponytail, I love the look and feel of it.
I had decided after working the week and the fourth of July holiday, I would take the day after off from the PFM to have a Sara day. Sleep in a little, soak in the bizarreness from the night before, and relax. Oh yea, and get a haircut. After all, selling a bajillion ears of corn and tons of watermelons can wear ole girl out.
A few weeks before my haircut, I came across an episode of the hit MTV show The Hills. I will fully admit it. I love Lauren Conrad. If you don't know who she is, look her up. She is the definition of classy and sophisticated. There was a certain scene where she was on a date with her high school crush Steven and on that date, my haircut was found. I present to you this:
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The Inspiration. |
"Sara, if you want that cut, thats fine, but you never wear your hair down." True. Maybe I liked it so much because I loved the person that was wearing it, but by golly, I was sticking to it.
The big day finally came, and I washed and blow dried and straightened my beloved golden locks one last time.
A few minutes before I had to leave for the appointment, the seeeeeesster came to get Jo from doggy day care, and the following conversation took place: "Hey Sara, where are you headed?" Off to get my haircut. "Here's a wild idea. Instead of getting blonde highlights like you normally do, I think you should go dark. Like the dark in your Senior Drapes" (See picture below) Excuse me? I don't dye my hair. And the last time you gave me an idea about my hair, I was stuck with a blob of Herbal Essences highlights from a kit in my hair. Thanks but no thanks.
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Pretty. But Grosssssss. |
And then the appointment came. What was I doing? Sticking with the same ole same ole? "So Sara, what are we doing? Just the regular highlights?" Uhhhhhhhh. "Actually my sister thinks I should go dark. Not like gothic dark, but dark." I was then presented with color swatches. "I think this color could look good on you, but it's up to you." I really hate making decisions. Emphasis on the word really. "What about the length?" Conveniently I had screen captured the scene from The Hills. Hey at least I had my mind made up on something. But the decision on the table was the color.
"Ummmmmmm. I'm gonna trust you with this and go with it." What. Did. I. Just. Say/Do? Did I really just agree to the idea of going darker instead of lighter?? For the first time in my life I had given into peer pressure? There was no turning back now.
If I blogged the thoughts going through my head at that time, it would take days to read. I was nervous. What if people hated it? More importantly, what if I hated it? "If you don't like it, I can throw in some highlights to make it look lighter."
As the appointment went on, my face looked like a ghost. Oh em gee. I have got to get a tan. I looked like I was going to get sick. That's how pale I was. Maybe once it dried I would like it more. "Are you okay?" Yea, I'm fine, this is just a big change for me.
The darkening had taken place, and it was time for the haircut. At least the cut was simple, and cute.
Fast forward two hours later. It would be time to face the music. As soon as I got in the car, I looked at it again, and soaked in the fact that I was no longer a blonde. Pretty sure my heart skipped about five beats. And then I promptly updated my infamous Facebook status update to, "uhhhhh." The last time my family had seen me, they saw me like this:
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Thanksgiving 2011. |
To keep the big reveal a surprise, I entered the house through the garage. "Please close your eyes, and whatever you do, please don't flip out." "Oh, Sara, we won't flip out. We'll still love you if your hair is pink." Okay, open. Insert about a minute of totes awk stares and that wereallydidnthinkyouwouldtakeyoursisterssuggestionseriouslystare. "What do you think? You hate it don't you?!?" "No we don't hate it. Actually we love it." You're just saying that because you have to because you're my parents. "Sara, we don't lie to you." The seeeeeesssssttttteeeerrrr had headed home, and with gas prices at an all time high, I wasn't getting back out in my car to show her. I'll just Facetime her.
"Oh. Wow. I like it." Good. I'm glad. Because it was your suggestion. Five out of five people liking it? Check.
I'm sure after investing some time in reading this, you'd like to see a picture of the drastic change. Now mind you, the picture was taken hours after the event, so please excuse my paleness.
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Brunettes Have More Fun. |
-Neale Donald Walsch
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