The last time I did this sort of posting, it was the night that I printed out my final copy of that IthoughtitdeservedanAbutapparentlymyprofessorfeltdifferentlyabout it Internet Dating research paper. So let me take you through Anatomy 215 by the numbers.
412- Number of questions for my final review. When I first pulled it up, I looked at it and laughed. Then I went searching for the real review. Couldn't find it. This was it.
350- Pages I have been allotted by the university to print. For free. Anything over that? 10 cents each.
242-Pages that I printed. Yes PRINTED. With words and or pictures on them. In a span of SEVEN weeks.
232- Question number on the miserable study guide that finally made me reach my breaking point.
215- Anatomy 215.
190- Questions that I had to answer on my final(s). Allow me to explain. 40 question lab, 50 questions over material that I learned on last week and Monday, and then, oh yeah. The unmentioned 100 question final.
100- Note cards that I made.They were a good idea at first, and then well. About that.
97- Printer pages that went unused.
90- Minutes my professor expected us to answer 50 lab questions, around 100 test questions, and 10 questions out of my lab book. And that's just on a regular test day. That would be more than plenty of time.... if you started the test ON TIME.
50 Degrees- The average temperature in my classrooms. It's pretty sad that I had to get dressed like I was going ice fishing with the Eskimos when the high for the day is going to be 90 some odd degrees. And no I'm not exaggerating on this one. I have witnesses.
28-Study guides I printed and filled out. Successfully if I might add. Toot toot.
27- Chapters of my textbook that I
21- The day that the nightmare called bridge repairs will begin. And according to my schedule,
12- Peers in my class that courageously fought this battle with me.
11:20- The time that my test was scheduled to be over. But if you recall the number 200, there was no way that I was walking out of the building before then.
10- Glorious weeks I have left to soak up Summer 2012. After what I've put myself through it better be good to me. If not, it might get ugly, ugly, ugly.
9 AM- The time that class was supposed to start. Test days? Don't even get me started.
8 AM- The time I would leave mi casa to make it to class on time, and figure in this so called "morning rush hour traffic".
7- LOOOONNNNGGGGG weeks that I fought the good fight with Anatomy 215.
6- Tests that I had to take. Six test in seven weeks. Um, that should be illegal. And if you're some sort of Math genius that I will never be, I'm sure you already figured out that one week I had a test Monday and a test Wednesday.
5- Number of phalanges that are on your hand. And as the ever so wise Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan quoted on the emotional series finale of F-R-I-E-N-D-S, "Rachel, you have to get off the plane. There's something wrong with the left phalange."
4:30- The time that it said on my schedule that I would be released from
3- The amount of "parts" that I had to disect. I won't gross you out. This class should have come with a warning. On so many different levels.
2- Amazing parents who supported me in this idiotic decision. They were there to listen to my ridiculous babbling about how much I hated this class and how stupid I was to sign up for it. And on good days, I actually came home and taught them something. FYI: The human brain weighs three pounds.
1- Insanely relieved, happy, joyus, I don't know what I'm going to do with all my spare time, actually, there really are no words to describe how giddy I am girl who can actually enjoy her Summer. While it was a Summer of learning new material, it was also a Summer of learning new things about me. Learning the fact that attempting to take Human Anatomy in seven weeks is a joke. I don't know why there isn't a warning label that comes with this class that says, if you have a life, (unlike me) either drop your social life, or drop the class. Because you will loose friends, sleep, and your sanity.
First, congrats on completing the class!!!! YAY!!! Second, your 5 phalanges comment now has me walking around wiggling my fingers and saying "Dancing Phalanges"...I watch too much Bones.