There are about a million things I could be doing right now (like wrapping up the semester with papers), but instead, I'd rather sit by the gas fireplace looking at the "Want a real national lampoons Christmas? Come to my house" christmas lights PLEASE NOTE: My house is no where near National Lampoon's. I REPEAT: My house is no where near National Lampoons. While we do have special guests this year, Mother outdid herself and decked the halls with boughs of holly. And if you could witness these decorations, I think one would be jealous.
After coming home from the feeling miserable, I'm not in the mood to be picked on Thanksgiving, I was ready for the day to be over. Having to be at work by 7 on Black Friday, I headed to bed at 11:00 dreading the following morning. Wait a second, did I see what I thought I saw? Snow? No way. It's Thanksgiving. It's not supposed to snow. Oh yes. We had ourselves a somewhat of a white Thanksgiving. Okay. That's all the snow until January. Pretty while it lasted.
After a glorious break from higher education, it was time for me to head back for one last week of class. Depending on when I leave mi casa, I "meet up" with the normals in traffic. One of those normals being a cop. Meet up with the cop? Making good time. And no, I did not nor do I ever get pulled over. I'm one of those who actually drive the speed limit. And if I see the 8:45 Delta flight flying over the bridge, its taken me 10 minutes to get the bridge instead of 17 minutes and I know it's gonna be a good day. But Tuesday, I met one of my new normals for the first time of the season. A snow plow. The snow was long over. I guess they were just out driving the route for the first of the season. Later that afternoon, there became talks of a "measurable amount" of the white stuff. Pssssh. Yea right. Actual snow? This was far too early. How could this be possible? We had just experienced Thanksgiving with temperatures in the 70's.
After a shocking drop in temperatures, I experienced the first shock of the season. No more flip flops, no more capri's. Looks like jeans and sweatshirts. Highs in the 40's. Which means lows in the 30's in the morning. "Sara, where are your keys? Oh I found them. I'm gonna go warm up your car." The best seven words one can hear when your car sits out in the frigid Ohio Valley air. Warm car, jeans, sweatshirts and gLee to accompany your drive to school? Maybe the drive's not so bad after all. If it was this cold, this snow needed to come.
Thursday afternoon, I began to see the infamous white thin lines on the roads. School age chillen's have come to dread those lines, while some love those lines. What are those white lines you ask? The thin white lines of brine. For those who are lucky enough to live in paradise and are lucky that you don't have to experience brine, brine is defined as the following."Salt brine is a clear water and sodium chloride solution used for snow and ice control. It is composed of tap water and rock salt mixed to typical concentrations of 23% to 26% salt." Sorry for the scientific explanation, but it's the best I can do. Seeing those lines finally hit me; winter 2010 was here. But where was this so called snow? With more talks of maybe 1-2 inches, Thursday came and went, and Friday was quickly coming and going. FINALLY on Friday night, the flakes began to hit the ground. With the snow came the countless Facebook Oh Em Gee! It's snowing! It's so pretty! Ah Freakout postings.
You can hear Thunder, see lighting, hear rain and hear hail, but one thing you can't hear? Snow. I compare snow like a surprise. Unless you stay up watching it, you wake up to it. Once again, another Sara analogy. Like I predicted, I awoke to the freakout there's snow on the ground Facebook statuses. Whoop de doo. A little dusting of snow. Nah, more like a good inch a half of snow. And the weathermen had predicted for more of the white stuff during the day. Sweet. I was headed to an afternoon of work with snow. And with the snow, you had the weekend of championships football marathon, UL and UK basketball, UL mens soccer game, and the high school football state championship. I'll go ahead and save you a breath. Sara how was work? By far one of the slowest work afternoons of my life. While you were watching football, I was crossing something off my bucket list. Eat fruitcake. And according to the boss of Shenanigans's headquarters, there is one less fruitcake than there are humans. I can see why.
If you think that I'm complaining about the snow, I'm not. I love snow. And I love all the perks that come with it; Mom's homemade hot chocolate. The sounds of a crackling fire. The beauty of the snow falling. The front yard being picture perfect with no footprints. The absolute silence in the air. But what I've come to dislike about the snow? Driving in it, having your car covered in it. Not having an ice scraper, having your car covered in salt, and the COLD.I used to love the cold. I used to hate the summer. I would rather be cold than hot. Looks like I've reversed that idea. I would rather be hot than cold.
I'm taking applications for anyone who would like to join me in purchasing a time machine that will take me back to Summer 2010.
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