I bet this is the post you have been waiting for since my last holiday posting. I cordially invite you to sit down, relax and read Christmas 2010 through the eyes of Sara. After spending the respectful 5:00 hour at Chrismas Eve mass, I headed home to a dinner of Pork Roast,homemade applesauce,sweet potatoes and bread. After a whoops I got too excited because it was Christmas Eve and forgot to eat all day until dinner, it was time to lay low until the all night Ralphie marathon.
After the annual first viewing of "A Christmas Story", promptly at 10:00 I recieved the I'm home for one night so ya better come see me phone call. "Let me find my parka,winter boots and then I'll be over." Okay so maybe I didn't need to find my winter boots for walking less than a football field length to her house, but after the unfortunate incident with my crocs on ice, I needed to find better shoes. Wallabes to the rescue.
Knowing that in less than two hours I would have a day filled with chaos and family, I planned to make a short 10 or 15 minute stay. "Okay it's time for the annual playing of Christmas Eve Charades. Kids against adults.Sara you get to go first." Wait a second? Who in the room was considered a kid? Anyone under the age of 30. "I'll stay for one or two rounds and then I have to get home and go to bed. I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow." First card I draw? "Christmas In Connecticut." Seriously? I had never heard of this movie. And how in the world does one act out Connecticut? Point to a christmas tree, attempt to air draw a map of the United States, hope they get the idea, attempt to point to the state of Connecticut and pray to God they get it. Five laughter minutes filled later, I had achieved success. Highlights of Christmas Eve Charades? Yukon Cornelious, Cindy Loo Who, and the Bishops Wife. TWO HOURS later, the clock had turned to Christmas morning and I trekked back home to attempt to get some shut eye. Ohhhh but yours truly had a better idea than sleeping.
This was one night I truly felt like a five year old on Christmas Eve. I couldn't help it. I was so excited. For what? The morning, mom and dad's present and jitters about Christmas dinner. After the 12-2 and 2-4 AM viewings of Ralphie I finally slept from 4-9:00. And for the first time good ol dad had to wake me up on Christmas Morning.
The rest of my family was to promptly arrive at 9:00 for the days festivities of which included opening of stockings, breakfast of welsh rarbit,sausage and danish, and opening of presents. I'm not mentioning names, but the person who gave me the title of this posting thought it might be funny to torment me and be FIVE minutes late. Usually I don't mind, but seeing as this was Christmas, this whole act of being late wasn't funny. I didn't have time to worry about them being late. My stomach was in knots. Knots of excitement. You could say I was pretty pumped for the day but I was WAY more pumped about mom and dads present. (That's coming later) Present highlights included: Sara Spills business cards (holla) my yearly Mary Englebreit tear off calendar, khaki pants (you can never have enough) a couple bottles of shampoo (yes I'm picky) and INDIVIDUAL peanut butters. There is a peanut butter God. Yes I got excited over peanut butter. Be jealous.
There it sat. The last box. The box that I had lost sleep over. The box that was filled with love. The box that had the first clue to mom and dads scavenger hunt. I was so ready for this moment. The first clue read: "A preview of a future beach wedding?" The next clue turned out to be hiding under a picture of myself and unmentioned sibiling in dress up wedding gear around the ages of 7 and 5. I'm not going through all the clues because thats not the point, but after the final clue sat a big red bow on the cabinet that held their Christmas present. "Just press play." Insert a huge sigh of relief.
This was no ordinary Christmas present. This present was a video that told a "story" of mom growing up, dad growing up, their dating years, their wedding, the time before as much as she gets on my nerves/creator of this video sister was born, her childhood, my childhood, the best brother in law I could ask for childhood, 2005 and on, and Michigan pictures. You would think that when you are approached with this idea, it would take a week or two from start to finish it, but try a MONTH and a half. I'm not complaining, but when you take on a project like this, make sure you can clear your schedule. It was time to finally press play and queue the unlimited waterworks. I could finally sit back and see what I had helped produce.
The opening of the presents had been completed and it was time to gear up for another rousing round of presents and Christmas dinner. Like I mentioned in Christmas Eve Eve Ramblings my hope for good behavior was dwindling down to nothing.
I bet you thought I wasn't going to tell you about Christmas afternoon and dinner shenanigans did you? Stay tuned...

After the annual first viewing of "A Christmas Story", promptly at 10:00 I recieved the I'm home for one night so ya better come see me phone call. "Let me find my parka,winter boots and then I'll be over." Okay so maybe I didn't need to find my winter boots for walking less than a football field length to her house, but after the unfortunate incident with my crocs on ice, I needed to find better shoes. Wallabes to the rescue.
Knowing that in less than two hours I would have a day filled with chaos and family, I planned to make a short 10 or 15 minute stay. "Okay it's time for the annual playing of Christmas Eve Charades. Kids against adults.Sara you get to go first." Wait a second? Who in the room was considered a kid? Anyone under the age of 30. "I'll stay for one or two rounds and then I have to get home and go to bed. I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow." First card I draw? "Christmas In Connecticut." Seriously? I had never heard of this movie. And how in the world does one act out Connecticut? Point to a christmas tree, attempt to air draw a map of the United States, hope they get the idea, attempt to point to the state of Connecticut and pray to God they get it. Five laughter minutes filled later, I had achieved success. Highlights of Christmas Eve Charades? Yukon Cornelious, Cindy Loo Who, and the Bishops Wife. TWO HOURS later, the clock had turned to Christmas morning and I trekked back home to attempt to get some shut eye. Ohhhh but yours truly had a better idea than sleeping.
This was one night I truly felt like a five year old on Christmas Eve. I couldn't help it. I was so excited. For what? The morning, mom and dad's present and jitters about Christmas dinner. After the 12-2 and 2-4 AM viewings of Ralphie I finally slept from 4-9:00. And for the first time good ol dad had to wake me up on Christmas Morning.
The rest of my family was to promptly arrive at 9:00 for the days festivities of which included opening of stockings, breakfast of welsh rarbit,sausage and danish, and opening of presents. I'm not mentioning names, but the person who gave me the title of this posting thought it might be funny to torment me and be FIVE minutes late. Usually I don't mind, but seeing as this was Christmas, this whole act of being late wasn't funny. I didn't have time to worry about them being late. My stomach was in knots. Knots of excitement. You could say I was pretty pumped for the day but I was WAY more pumped about mom and dads present. (That's coming later) Present highlights included: Sara Spills business cards (holla) my yearly Mary Englebreit tear off calendar, khaki pants (you can never have enough) a couple bottles of shampoo (yes I'm picky) and INDIVIDUAL peanut butters. There is a peanut butter God. Yes I got excited over peanut butter. Be jealous.
There it sat. The last box. The box that I had lost sleep over. The box that was filled with love. The box that had the first clue to mom and dads scavenger hunt. I was so ready for this moment. The first clue read: "A preview of a future beach wedding?" The next clue turned out to be hiding under a picture of myself and unmentioned sibiling in dress up wedding gear around the ages of 7 and 5. I'm not going through all the clues because thats not the point, but after the final clue sat a big red bow on the cabinet that held their Christmas present. "Just press play." Insert a huge sigh of relief.
This was no ordinary Christmas present. This present was a video that told a "story" of mom growing up, dad growing up, their dating years, their wedding, the time before as much as she gets on my nerves/creator of this video sister was born, her childhood, my childhood, the best brother in law I could ask for childhood, 2005 and on, and Michigan pictures. You would think that when you are approached with this idea, it would take a week or two from start to finish it, but try a MONTH and a half. I'm not complaining, but when you take on a project like this, make sure you can clear your schedule. It was time to finally press play and queue the unlimited waterworks. I could finally sit back and see what I had helped produce.
The opening of the presents had been completed and it was time to gear up for another rousing round of presents and Christmas dinner. Like I mentioned in Christmas Eve Eve Ramblings my hope for good behavior was dwindling down to nothing.
I bet you thought I wasn't going to tell you about Christmas afternoon and dinner shenanigans did you? Stay tuned...
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