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Living In The Projects of Memphis |
To This:
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Such A Proud Moment... |
I also loved seeing after winning the most famed trophy in pro sports, Michael tweeted out to his childhood "roots" saying that this win was for them.
I mentioned in one of my latest blogs that actress Jennifer Lawrence and I would get along well with each other. I wish you could tag along with me, and understand how much my love for her is growing. It's on the verge of embarrassing. In case you weren't aware, she is a native of the great state of Kentucky, and being home with her family over the holiday break, she decided she needed new bed sheets, and was NEXT DOOR TO THE MARKET SHOPPING for them. I REPEAT, SHE WAS WITHIN FEET OF THE MARKET. (There happens to be a bed linens store next door.) I guess she wasn't aware that I was taking a sabbatical from the market over Christmas. Don't worry Jennifer, there's always next time.
Don't even get me started on the Beyonce's Concert. I could have cared less about the game, just give me more Beyonce, and more of the Destiny's Child reunion.
I'm actually ahead in all of my classes... Said no one ever.
Being the procrastinator I am, I ordered my textbooks the weekend before school started. I was informed they would be here sometime in January. And that was with "overnight" shipping. Fast forward ten days ago, when I still did not have them, and received that dreaded, "sorry we can't find your textbooks" email. Okay, well I'll just go to my way overpriced school bookstore. They didn't have it either. "We can order it for you." And, they would ship it. Awesome. Just kidding, you'll need to come pick it up in person.
"After your chapter two test, we'll be having a genetics test that will essentially be your midterm. And oh yeah, you'll need to know all 23 pairs of Chromosomes, and their diseases." Yea, about that.
Closing at work last Saturday, and THIS Saturday? I can't tell you the last time I did that.
I received word from the head cheese at the market that we will be closed for Easter. The last two years, we've been open, and being the Superman I am, I've worked both of them. Working that day does have it's perks, but it will be nice to have a holiday off that everyone can enjoy.
The Biebs is hosting this weeks Saturday Night Live. Snoozefest.
Thursday (Tomorrow) will be mathematically impossible to ruin. There's no way it can be.
Being the favorite daughter I am, I so graciously made my Father a pretty delicious Chocolate on Chocolate on Chocolate cake for his birthday. Cakes are pretty easy to make; dump the ingredients in, stir, pour, bake, and ice. Simple as that. At least thats what I thought. When it says stir, don't use the whipping whisk on the Kitchen Aid mixer, because when it comes time to ice it, the cake belongs on the front page of Cake Wrecks. But then again, having that sort of delicious mess shows the love, and that it's homemade.
I've been sucked into downloading the Instagram photo app. I don't see whats the big hype, but it is nice to live vicariously through hollywood.
"Hey Sara, do you want to go see His Holiness The Dalai Lama when he comes to town in May?" You best believe I do.
How is it possible that my Mother is going to a SOLD OUT highly anticipated Luke Bryan concert, and I'm not? That's just not right.
Three weeks from tonight, Duck Dynasty returns on A&E. #Winning
The U.S.P.S has announced that starting in August they will only be delivering mail Monday-Friday. As if I didn't already hate you enough.
According to the sister, I am the bearer of bad news. I texted her to tell her that her favorite celebrity couple of Ashley Judd and Dario Franchetti are divorcing, and then I told her that Michael Kidd Gilchrist from UK's 2012 NCAA Championship fame, had fallen to ground not moving during his basketball game ending up with a minor concussion.
Luke is making his way into the big leagues. (But we already knew that). He managed to land a story on the Today show following up with the infamous "chair" that Clint Eastwood spoke to during the RNC. His Dad must be so proud of him.
I cannot go into much detail because of readers getting caught up on the show, but Grey's is getting sadder and sadder by the episode. Yes, there are some happy moments throughout it, Shonda Rhimes makes it her goal to have me screaming at the TV by the end of the show.
Chip and I have begun the journey to our divorce. With Chip slowly starting to deteriorate, I have started saving for a new car. Before you start jumping to conclusions, Chip will be around for sometime seeing that I plan on buying a two to three year old "new but used" car. Saving for this big of a purchase is painfully slow. I have made the plan to put every other paycheck into savings, so with previously good savings history, and my paycheck plan, hopefully by this time next year, I'll have a new and improved Chip.
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