32 Hours- That I will be hangin out at the fruit market this week. Did I mention all four days are full eight hour work days? #Adultworldproblems.
37- Days until SUMMER.
21- Days until my once favorite show gLee returns from it's winter hiatus. It's almost like I forgot it was on.
22- Days until Operation Find Luke Russert and bring him home to meet mi familia. MSNBC, he needs to be off for a couple of days.
833- Songs on my never ending iPod library. #LotsofgLeeandChristmasmusic.
7:47 PM: The time that UL basketball tips off in Phoenix, AZ in the Sweet 16 games of March Madness. Ummm, did anyone from the NCAA scheduling committee call and ask my work schedule for this week? Nope.
50- Parking space bumpers that I had to hit before my scrape plate on my car started to fall off. I'm guessing ole Chip missed the body shop.
85°- The HIGH keyword HIGH on the first day of SPRING. Mother Nature, news flash, this isn't June, July or August. It's more like March.
46- Days until the best two minutes in sports. #Yessssssssssirrrrrrr.
April 5th- The day that Grey's Anatomy returns from it's way too weird of a schedule. On one week, off for three, on for two, off for one. I can't keep up with a schedule like that.
8- Long days that I did not blog. Whoops.
6- How many seasons of FRIENDS on DVD that I am currently missing. I finally caved in and purchased Season 8, which brings me to now owning, Season 1, 2, 8, and 10.
5- Local teams that were in the NCAA tournament at one point. Sadly, we are down to three teams, and one of them will be knocked out this weekend.
4- Games that UK has to win before being crowned the 2012 NCAA Men's National Championship basketball team.
3.1- Episode of Grey's Anatomy in which I cannot get Meredith's wise words out of my head.
2- Bags of spinach that went into my personal batch of the infamous Spinach dip. I'll leave it at that.
2- Cups of coffee that I have consumed in the last week. I can't tell you the last time I fixed a regular cup for myself. #Ipreferfoofoodrinks.
1- Class that stands between me and spring break. While it won't be much of a break, it will be nice not having to drive over to school for the week. Instead, I'll be driving to my home away from home.
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