Thursday, February 2, 2012


These are incredibly random thoughts.

Today, I was notified of my FIVE YEAR high school reunion. Wait. WHAT? Freeze. Rewind. Say what?! This has got to be some joke. Apparently it's not.

Peyton Manning was cleared to play the weekend that his town is hosting Super Bowl XLVI. The timing of this news is incredibly sketchy to me.

As I sit here typing this, there is an ad that is calling my name. The new McDonald's Chicken bites. They sound incredibly good. And I'm super tempted to try them. But for those of you who don't know me, I haven't consumed fast food since last April. I won't say why, but I haven't.

Roseanne Barr is running for President. She lives in Hawaii on a nut farm. No I'm not kidding. She grows nuts for a living. Barr 2012.

Second time this semester it has taken me over an hour to get home. And at one point I got so bored I popped in gLee Christmas Volume 2. T-29 Days until the bridge is re-opened.

Out of the hundred some odd NCAA basketball teams in America, there is one undefeated team left. Tonight, they continued their streak to 22-0. #MurrayStateRacers.

The American Idol auditons have wrapped up. Needless to say, Sara is not impressed. At all. Apparently Steven Tyler has found "the winner".

Someone in my class asked out loud how to spell Adele. Um. First off, how on Earth do you not know of this incredibly amazing artist? Second of all, sound it out. A- dele. Not that hard.

Did I mention how cute my outfit for Saturday is?

If you are looking for a cake, but you just really want to eat raw, delicious but it's cooked brownie dough, try a chocolate cracked flourless torte. Because it's so good, I had two pieces. And I never do that.

And because I've been in a quotey mood lately, I leave you with the following words of wisdom: "When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things."- Joe Namath 


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