Sunday of birthday week, I was instructed that I needed to be home from class no later than 3:45. "You know I have to be at work at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Why?" " Yes, we know that, but it doesn't matter why. I don't want you to rush, but try to be home by then." "Do I need to dress up for class?" "That's the last question I'm going to answer, and no you don't, but if there is a wardrobe change, we'll have it waiting for you." Whatever. I really didn't have time to obsess over this surprise, (like I usually do) as I was still working on my paper, and had a 200 point presentation to work on during the week. And what do you know? The days went by like watching paint dry.
Thursday had finally arrived with all day pouring down rain and highs in the 40's. I really hope this surprise wasn't depending on the weather because it was gross and nasty. "One biology presentation and a class of giggles away from a birthday surprise with mom and dad!" And once again, after the previous four days had gone by like molasses, so had Thursday. My last class for the day was over and it was time to fight the bridge traffic (that I'm so over) and get home to find out my surprise. Wearing a sweatshirt and probably the worst shoes I could have worn that day, I arrived to mi casa to hear, "go get ready, and you probably want to change shoes." So I did. And it was off to finally see what this surprise was all about. Mid way to our destination, I was handed my tennis shoes. "You're probably going to want these instead." "Uh, okay. Whatever."
I'm pretty good with knowing certain landmarks around the city, but as we made turn after turn, I began to loose it. "Are we going rock climbing?" "No but nice try."
The final turn was made, and there I saw it; Mega Cavern Zip Lining!!! That's right. A two solid hour zip lining adventure underground with Mom and Dad!!! Excited? Check. Slightly nervous? Check. Totes Surprised? Double Check.
This zip lining attraction is pretty rare and neat to the city, considering it is all underground, and throughout the cavern, you zip line under the zoo, and one of the major highways. The cavern stays around 60° all year. Sadly, it was warmer inside the cavern than it was outside. And that's saying something.
After waiting what seemed like an eternity, we were taken into the training room, where we were immediately instructed to get into our harness and start the training process. We were first taken to the "Bunny Hop" zip, where we would practice the whole getting hooked up on the line, the actual zipping process, and then being unhooked at the other end.
After we had perfected the bunny hop, it was time to board the tram, and head to the first real zip. But not before we learned that by the beginning of Winter, the cavern will store 18 MILLION dollars worth of the states road salt. Glad I'm not in charge of that. On to our first zip, "Canyon to Hell." Guess there's no backing out now. To sum things up? We zipped an average of 40 miles an hour at 50 feet in the air.
After an amazing two hours of nothing but zip lining, it was time to reward ourselves with the best mexican feast in town. And honestly, after blogging this, I couldn't tell you the last time I had an afternoon alone with Mom and Dad. Never the less, we can't remember just the three of us went out to dinner. #Winning. #Somuchfun. #Addicted.
And duh, of course we took pictures. But I will say, because the cavern is pitch black dark, we did the best we could with cell phones without flash. So enjoy.
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Don't Laugh. |
Zip Lining Pro. nbd. |
Okay, that is AWESOME!! I had no idea you could do that! I sooooo want to go now, lol. =)