Friday, July 22, 2011

I Can't Afford Private Counseling...

But you can afford to wear Christian Louboutin shoes to court? Dually noted Lindsay. Dually noted. After having two whole Lindsay free weeks, it was time to check back in at her home away from home, the Beverly Hills Courthouse, where Lindsay  Shawn Chapman Holley had a date with Judge Sautner. Ruh. Ro. The best part? The entire date was live streamed. Yahtzee.
     What did she do now? Nothing. This so called "date" was a check-up/progress report from the thieving of the necklace probation violation that landed her a 35 day house arrest, that included art lessons, and movie marathons. Wait. I think I'm missing something. That big pink elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. The "friends only, I promise there will be no alcohol present bar-be-que." Uh. Huh. Then why was your probation present in the courtroom? Oh that's right. To let the judge know that there WAS adult beverages present and that you didn't pay that $3,900 court fine, and then you forwarded your probation officer calls to your manager? Whoopsies.
     As a part of this ridiculous, to this day I still don't know how this was pulled off deal, Lindsay would be required to serve the 35 day house arrest, serve 420 hours or 60 days of community service, enroll and attend psychological therapy. "Judge Sautner, my client here can not afford therapy, because she is currently experiencing financial issues. And she would attend more group therapy, but she is afraid the media will disrupt the sessions." And how do we spell B-O-L-O-G-N-A? If you excuse me, I must get on my soap box. First off, you can too afford therapy. Didn't you just sign on for the long awaited Gotti movie that should be paying you hundreds thousands of dollars? Second, I think the media was able to catch some pics of you modeling for some perfume? And don't they pay you for that? Third off, the fact that Judge Sautner has told you that you have approximately 21 days to show proof to the court that you have enrolled in therapy, have until years end to high tail it on the community service, because if you don't you'll be sporting a Tennessee orange jumpsuit? Yea. That's what I thought. And I can't believe what I'm about say. I must give Lindsay props. While this was a progress report hearing, she was not required by the court to show up. But she did. And, when Shawn Holley gave the  "cry me a river, poor baby" pitiful excuses about not being able to pay, Lindsay quickly responded back that she would find a way. And it only took you HOW long to figure out that almost every single Judge in Beverly Hills is pretty much over you? Baby steps.
     Oh, and on top of all this, Lindsay is now being sued for the rehab incident that took place back in December.  To sum it all up, the now former employee of Betty Ford is suing Lindsay for a hefty million George Washington's. After reports of the impending suing, word on the street is it looks like the employee will not be receiving the dollars. Whoa. Dream big.
     And while all of this court action is being attended to, I am currently taking bets on how long Lindsay will behave while serving out the rest of her 1095 day probation. For those who don't want to to the math, it's three long years of staying out of nightclubs, and expensive shops with pretty jewelry. My over/under? 547 days. Lindsay, if you're reading this, I suggest you just go hide in a cave and only come out when you're told.


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