Thursday, June 23, 2011

Whomp Whomp...

After a crazy night of tracking 'naders via text, I had begun to wind down after spending my final day on vacation (that's another story) by relaxing in my favorite cherry and pear bed. Even though I was on vacation, it still didn't prevent me from catching up in La La land. Lindsay had thrown a rooftop BBQ party even though she was under house arrest, George and his girl friend has gone to splitsville, and Katy Perry had dyed her hair. So all was well with the world. Just another boring day in the 'Wood. Hahahahhahaha. Ha. Best joke I've heard in a long time.
     So what about this Lindsay throwing a BBQ? I mean I guess since she is under arrest, since she can't go out, why can't she bring the party to Malibu? "Alcohol is not a part of my life." So then what are those opened wine bottles and random beer cans doing in your house? Party? I smell random testing.
     Fast forward to June 13th. After hearing word of this party, how "convenient" that Lilo's  parole officer showed up for testing?!? "But officer, I promise I wasn't doing anything. Alcohol isn't a part of my life anymore."And how many times have we heard that story? 
     While trying to hide the fact that Lindsay had tested POSITIVE for alcohol in her system, my favorite Today Show anchor Matt Lauer would be making a trip out to her pad for an "exclusive" Today Show interview, and a longer one that would air for Dateline NBC explaining that she has gotten "her life back together." Excuse me while I go laugh. hahahhahahhahahahaha. ha.  While negotiating these "exclusive sit down interviews" Lindsay agreed to 15 minutes. No more than that. Somewhere along the way, her assistant forgot to mention there would need to be more film for Dateline.  As Matt was sitting down for makeup, the interview was cancelled. Lying takes a lot out of a person.
     Back to present day: Checking my gossip sites one last time before watching the movie eyelids, I saw the headline: Lindsay Violates Probation.... AGAIN. Insert thank goodness no one was on the island and  no one would hear the infamous squeal. While details were coming together, I anxiously awaited; would I get to see her live? Maybe this was my one and only chance. Well, I couldn't go to bed and not know details. So yes, I did stay up an extra 30 minutes while courthouse arrangements were made. And ONCE AGAIN, look who didn't get to see this live? Thanks a lot Delta and Judge Sautner. 
     Here's where multiple whomp whomp comes in. First off, Judge Sautner: Do you not realize that what you're dealing with is a Hollywood star  fail? We I would like to see this all play out live, and preferably not just have to read it on my sites because of your rule of "No camera's or blackberries in the courtroom?" Hello?!?! This is the 21st century. Whomp whomp number two; If you told Lindsay that she would be put in jail next time she messes up, then stick to your word. Whomp number three: Next time you put someone on house arrest, clarify the rules. None of this "well alcohol testing wasn't a part of the agreement, and since it's not I can't put her in jail, and well I guess I'm gonna have to limit one friend visiting at a time" stuff. Whomp whomp number four; I need more understanding of this "overcrowding" stuff. And as long as I'm on this rant: a hearing like this should't take 30 minutes. 
    The real whomp whomp? Lindsay. 


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