Somethings not right here. My principal is frantically running in and out of classrooms with a piece of paper with writing on it, and my teachers are doing their best to not show any emotion while reading the mysterious "letter". This is odd, but whatever. While the rest of the nation was watching a national tragedy unfold, I was learning to conquer the world of fractions. I promise you this post isn't about where I was when 9/11 happened, I'm getting to a point. Just hang on. As the initial days after 9/11 unfolded, I knew something in my school routine wasn't right. Where is that 9:45 plane? I should be hearing it any minute. Maybe it's delayed. After coming home those first fews days after 9/11, I learned that many flights were cancelled because of FAA restricting air travel.
What I just wrote probably didn't make sense to most people, but what I'm getting to does. As the old saying goes, "We don't remember days, we remember moments" the scene of my principal recently flashed in my head triggered me to blog. What I'm about to randomly write, probably won't make sense, so you can A: stop reading, or B: Read on, and just be mind boggled.
Susan Boyle. Don't Stop Believin. Forever Young. December 23. Magic. 270 votes. Had A Girl Wants. Snow Globe Collecting. May 2. April 2006. At Last. If You're Out There. Stock The Bar. April 7. Mothers Day 2009. June 2010.
Like I said, 99% of these will not make sense to most people, but to me, they make perfect sense.
And because I do love me some quotes, especially Grey's Anatomy quotes, I shall close with one by the infamous Denny Duquette: "Moments. That's all you get with the people you love."
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