I have way too much to catch up on, and could go on for days, but I'll give you The Cliff Notes version.
With the city being practically empty because of Spring Break, Sara has worked Friday, Saturday (which was nightmarishly BUSY) Sunday, (Easter. Yes I worked Easter. What. A. JOKE.) Monday, Tuesday morning, and then Operation Luke Russert can officially commence.
Chip has to go to the Drs. This time? My thermostat. #Thiswholetakingcareofacarthingishard.
In a matter of 24 hours, I managed to find
four, FIVE gift cards. Included? Two from Target, two from Panera, and one from Starbucks. #winning.
gLee returns in a matter of DAYS.
Dear Ohio Valley weather. I have some words for you.
"I love the smell of mint." Customer A:
I use mine for mint juleps. What do you do with it? Oh, you're too young anyways. " I'm actually 23." Thats it. If anyone would like to donate to the I
'm getting a tattoo on my forehead that says I'm a lot older than I look fund, let me know.
I set a new record in getting home from school. I left school at 4:00. I crossed the bridge at 5:15. I arrived home at 5:28. 90 minutes to get home. Normally? It should take me 25-30 minutes.
Full fledged adult and still get an Easter basket? The Easter Bunny Rules.
Speaking of Easter, another holiday has come and gone. A nice, quiet, all on our best behavior dinner, with a special guest. And who ever came up with the idea of mimosas before lunch/dinner? Best. Idea. Ever. Next up? Fourth of July.
I'm back on Pinterest. Worst/best decision this week. The results? Long work days on minimal sleep.
Still no word on my alternative self portrait grade.
Currently charging my Kindle where I will soon be purchasing Ali Wentworth's book,
Ali In Wonderland. Cannot wait.
I recieved an email from Vera Bradley announcing that one of our local malls has opened a Vera Bradley store. Thats no bueno.
I need basketball/football back in my life.
And finally, after witnessing the University of Kentucky Wildcats basketball team chase Gr8ness, the city of Lexington made the top headlines on Tuesdays all three major network morning shows. And not because the team won, because full fledge riots broke out. Like city police in riot gear riots including couch burnings, small lawn fires, and throwing of bottles kind of riots. Because of those, the hashtag #LexingtonPoliceScanner was the number one trending topic on Twitter. My favorite? "I'm looking for a white male in his young 20's wearing a blue shirt and blue shorts. Pssssshhhhh..... Excuse me while I go laugh.
#KentuckyProud |
#LexingtonPoliceScanner |
BREAKING NEWS: Operation Luke Russert is a bust. Just received word from Twitter that he will be in New York all week HOSTING Willie Giest's MSNBC Show
Way Too Early. If you're up at 5:30 AM one day this week, I think you should at least watch it at least once to see this stud muffin I'm always talking about. According to the mother and father, this could be break it or make it for him. Apparently the show is very witty. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. Will I be watching it live? Negative. DVRing it? Check.